The duration of studies for foreign students depends on the educational qualification degree. Bachelor's degree programmes last a minimum of 4 years of training. Master's degree programmes last at least 5 years of training or at least 1 year after the Bachelor degree. Doctor's degree studies last a minimum of 4 years of training after the Bachelor degree or 3 years after a Master's degree.
The studies in each Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes end with a state exam or defense of a diploma thesis. Doctorates are based on individual curricula and include training and examinations, teaching hours and defense of a dissertation thesis. The University offers also specialization courses in all fields of science to foreign students holding a university degree. The tuition fee is 3000 Euros per year for the full-time courses and 2000 Euros per year for the part-time education. The University issues Certificates according to the governmental requirements.
Foreign citizens pay for their studies the following fees:
  • Preparatory year - 2000 Euros
  • Academic year - 3000 Euros
Under the Article 95 (8) of the Bulgarian Higher Education Act students with a double citizenship (Bulgarian and a foreign one) pay a half (50%) from the educational tuition fees.
Citizens of Republic of Macedonia may apply under Regulation No 228/1997 (without contest for scholarships) and Regulation ? 103/1993. In this case they have to submit their documents at the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science in the first half of August.
The fees are payable in the beginning of each semester.